Saturday 21 April 2007


I have been going on about honourable defeats, we will soon have to call this type of game something as well. Entertaining draws? But entertaining for whom, exactly? Spurs are the new favourites of commentators and other pundits, that’s for sure. And they go on about Berbatov as much as we do here. (His first effort of the game, when he controlled a ball with his head and seemed to twist and bend himself in order to get it in the right direction was amazing and humanly impossible – had he succeeded it would have been the goal of the year, for sheer athleticism!)

My nerves were in bits, of course. And a game which I had come to expecting the worst (an Arsenal complex?) began with a half which suggested that a win would surely be the outcome, was followed by a second half which again made me feel that nope, defeat it is, and then ended with a spectacular goal which made the draw look like a win. Of course now we really do need to win the rest of the games – even when draws are amazingly entertaining (for whom, again?), with lots of goals and great play, they still only provide a point. And we need to secure at least 7th place… Steve Coppell has said that he wants to focus on the Premiership and that his side would not be ready for Europe next season, a sensible sentiment and who thought Reading would come so far anyway? But, Steve, would you mind losing a few games from now on?! The surprise win against Bolton has put Reading on 6th spot, a point ahead of Spurs. We have a game in hand on all of the nearest rivals, though.

Back to our game and what a truly wonderful time to finally score from a corner kick! Almost worth the wait just beacuse it came against Arsenal. Expertly done, Dawson winning the first header and directing it perfectly down to Keane, who then headed past Lehmann. Should he have been better marked by the Arsenal defence? Who cares. I had tears in my eyes. What a goal. Set piece revision obviously paid off. We were cruising and it was a joy to watch the fluidity, the creativity and the strength – even Aaron looked like he had been to the gym, pushing people away!

But then came the second half, with Arsenal piling on the pressure and scoring – intriguingly from set pieces rather from flowing attacks, as is their wont. And now I simply cannot refrain from pointing out that even if we still haven’t managed to beat Arsenal in the league, even if they did end up dominating a lot of this game (as well as pretty much all of the away game...) and even if they have put five goals past us, it has taken some creative refereeing to aid them. An offside goal and two penalties that shouldn’t have been given in the away game and two dodgy free kicks in this one. Now I happen to be very fond of Thomas Rosicky, I think he is a wonderful football player and I fully expected him to inflict serious damage today - but not like this. Please tell me if I’m wrong, but as far as I could see he just dived. I’m not even sure who was supposed to have taken him down. The ensuing, well taken, free kick was kicked in by Toure past Robinson (who, like Chimbonda, should have done better, really). And Toure was challenged by Tom Huddlestone, but oh dear did he make the most of it. Again – well taken free kick and well headed by Adebayor, who had missed his fair share of chances. Now, I’m not really complaining about the decisions as such – stuff happens and they had loads of other opportunities– I just get some little gratification from the fact that they have needed this assistance to score. Loads of opportunities don’t mean goals, after all. We still need to work on the defending against set pieces, though… The defence, while not as strong as it could, and indeed should, be still looked a lot better. The King is back and Rocha actually wasn’t half bad as left-back, considering it is an emergency solution. Chimbonda, however, looks a bit tired – he has played a lot of games and not everyone can be blessed with Michael Dawson’s constitution… Thankfully Jenas is hitting great form to create some balance.

Speaking of which – what a way to end the game! Chimbonda – Jenas – Malbranque – and Jenas scores. With practically the last kick of the match. Yup, injury time game changers. It’s our new thing. Entertainment and all.


maltjerry said...

The problem with our game in hand and the run-in is the minor pile-up in the last week: what is it Monday, Thursday and Sunday? Charlton away looks tricky.

There is the usual end-of-season gossip to worry about: will Spurs show enough "ambition" to keep the main attraction? And now with Berbatov winning a spot in the PFA Premiership team, and rumours of 20m quid, it's beginning to look ominous.

On the other hand, and in spite of the PFA team being overrun with ManU players, how satisfying that no Arsenal players made it. Permit me a "1-0!"

Lisa said...

Yes, it is a bit tricky - back to pile-up. The only positive aspect of this is that the last two are at home, but anything can happen in terms of where those teams are, what they have to play for - and indeed where WE are and how desperate things are looking. You inspired me to have a look at the run-ins, see post above.

When it comes to Berbatov I think he WILL stay next season, but I also think that the results in next season will be the deciding factor regarding his future. Assuming we make it into Europe and show a marked improvement on this season (just as this season, to be fair, was an improvement on last season - more games, better cup runs etc.), challenging for trophies and perhaps even winning one then we can hold on to our "main attraction". If, on the other hand, things fall to pieces in these last games and next season is a mess...

Our run-in could really go either way: on one side fatigue and a depleted defence, on the other side quality, ambition and desire to grab the last thing we have to get out of this season.

...and yes, Aresnal just don't have any decent enough players, do they? ;-)