Sunday 11 March 2007


Another game to remember – the recent run of rampant form hardly at an end, even if we only came away with a draw. Paul Robinson cheekily commented that he wouldn’t want to be a Spurs fan at the moment because “if you've got heart problems you're in trouble”. Indeed. Jermain Defoe nearly delivered a late winner which set this Spurs fan’s heart on an internal journey. The whole game had, of course, been conducted in a similar fashion. Flashes of brilliance alternating with comical mistakes, great football and never ever a sense that the game had been decided. Exciting football or excruciating nervousness – all depends on your vantage point.

Happy as I am that we did not lose and that, despite conceding three goals, the lads were the better side in a way which only a couple of months ago seemed impossible – the replay is still a bitter pill to swallow. This game could and should have been won by another goal or two in the first half, or perhaps by more organised defending towards the end. As it is the replay on Monday will be the sixth in two weeks, followed by a midweek Euro 2008 qualifier for some of the lads. I’m not of the opinion that replays should be scrapped in order to help teams who are busy in many competitions, quite the contrary, nor do I want to whinge about the fact that we are still in three competitions OR that my team comprises a fair few international stars. I just feel for the lads and worry about their physical health in a very womanish sort of way. Sorry. Can’t help it. Makes me tired just to think about it. The busy schedule make the injuries that we have a bigger problem than they would be otherwise. Horribly Berbatov had to be taken off with a renascent groin injury – we can only hope that he will be back soon. Very soon.

I still marvel at the central midfield action of Tainio and Zokora these days. Gone, it would seem, are the days (again, not that long ago...) when we seemed to be playing without a midfield at times. They were superb, aggressively winning balls and setting up a wall which the opposition had to try to break down. Ricardo Rocha had a great third game for us; if he keeps up this rate of development he should win a starting position soon. He was on Drogba like a leech and made many key clearances.

The significant armbands on the day were the captain’s armband on Michael Dawson, a sight which made me very happy. Captain, vice captain, and even third choice captain were out injured but it felt like a recognition of Michael’s hard work and ability that he was allowed to lead his team onto Stamford Bridge. I can only refer back to what I wrote last week – I’m really impressed with him and think that he would make a great captain someday. Hopefully for Spurs.

Dimitar Berbatov, who would probably be my first choice captain after Ledley King, also wears an armband – but for different reasons. It says “You are not alone” and refers to the international campaign of solidarity with the wrongfully convicted Bulgarian nurses who await a death sentence in Libya. Action has been taken by governments as well as organisations such as Amnesty and The Red Cross, the latter of which recently organised a demonstration in Bulgaria.

The official website of the campaign can be found at:

and more information on the Bulgarian Red Cross website:


JL Pagano said...

Absolutely top drawer account of the game.

I, too, was proud to see Dawson as skipper and what better way to reward his consistency. We may be letting in a bit too many goals lately, but the blame cannot be put anywhere near his door.

What's more, I totally agree with your appraisal of Zokora and Tainio. Didier has come out of himself since the Finn took a slice defensive midfield burden. At times it has been as though we had Patrick Viera in a Spurs jersey, and I think that is what MJ was going for in signing him.

Thanks also for the info on Berbatov's cause, definitely worth looking into.

Finally, thanks for dropping by my site, though my stats tell me you keep hitting the one post, so here's the homepage addy so you can see my more recent stuff:


Come on you Spurs!

Anonymous said...

oh Lisa, Lisa, that Berbahunk really sticks in our heart, doesn't he? We should join a club of our own.
Raving Woman

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge fan of Berbatov for quite sometime (I'm not a Spurs' fan) and as it looks like you're another one, here I leave this link you may find of interest.
The man is so gorgeous I really wish I was a child in need of his Unicef care. Seriously... I'm in need of his care, but I'm not a child anymore. Alas !
Raving Woman

P.S. I hope you have a sense of humour and don't get me wrong. I think I'll be posting my opinions here from now on. What do you think about this?

Lisa said...

Anyone is more than welcome to leave comments on my blog, even of the raving kind. And dear Raving Woman, it is never too late to become a Spurs fan..!

Anonymous said...

Cheers, Lisa!
I'm not a Club's type, I'm a man's type. No Club in the world could make me move one step. As for Berbatov, I'd walk the earth for him.
How romantic! And pathetic too!
See you soon.
Raving Woman