Sunday, 4 March 2007


Great comedy moments of the weekend, which simply must be mentioned...

Cesc Fabregas, in what one must assume was an attempt at showing Mark Hughes once and for all just how to play Barcelona football, elegantly scoring an own goal in such a clever fashion that not even Lehmann managed to block it.

John O'Shea, Manchester United's second choice goal keeper, perfecting the art of finishing off games in style. Nothing really funny about the goal except for the fact that he was the one to score it. In Ireland "a few pints will be sunk over that" ventured John. As if the Irish needed another excuse.

Then there was the fabulous Scholes controversy. No, not the sending off, nor the violent conduct which preceded it. Not even the fact that he had, as so often, gotten away with fouls earlier on and had this one coming. No the comedy and indeed the controversy arises from the revelation that this seasoned midfielder has a right hook as powerful and accurate as that belonging to a little old lady on her third gin and tonic. Shocking.

Carlos Tevez got an ecstatic response from his fans upon scoring a stunning free kick. He then ruined the aesthetic beauty of the event by taking his shirt off and charging into the crowd. Anyone but a loyal West Ham fan would have recoiled in horror at the sight, but the Upton Park faithfuls embraced him. For so long, in fact, that it looked as though he had been lost in the crowd, never to emerge again.

And finally, my own lads supplied a true comedy moment as a throw-in near the opposition goal took longer than the three last goals of the game put together. It took three players (no names shall be mentioned...) four attempts at passing the ball to each other before it finally ended up at its destination and was thrown in. Thankfully, the passing skills improved once the ball was in play again...

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